All You’ve Given

Christopher was truant from school, smoking marijuana and behaving aggressively toward his mother and step-father when his mother walked into the ACS office seeking out-of-home placement for him. After going through previous programs, they were referred to The Family Center’s YouthNet Intensive Prevention services in June 2012.

Within the same month, I started individual and family counseling with Christopher and his family. During our sessions, I recalled my family situation as my older brother struggled with the same issues as Christopher. After I shared that my brother eventually lost his battle to drugs and how riddled with regret my father was, Christopher seemed motivated to change.

Christopher’s behavior has recently begun to show improvements. He attends school almost daily and has stopped smoking marijuana. Although his step-father initially refused counseling, he is now willing to build their relationship due to Christopher’s changed behavior.

At the end of the year, I received this heartfelt note from Christopher’s mother- Thanks Mr. Taylor and staff for all you’ve given this year. We appreciate you and this program for sending someone who cares about our youth.

-Edward Taylor, Family Center Youth Net Case Planner


Christopher and siblings

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