Again Justice Prevails

Julia compressedAida came to The Family Center in August 2013 after appealing her denial for Social Security benefits. We first met in October and when Aida described to me in detail all that she had been through and the pain she was still experiencing, I knew we were going to be working together to get her the benefits that she rightly deserved.

Aida survived two types of Cancer, a hysterectomy, and continues to battle arthritis, a degenerative disc disease, neuropathy, intermittent migraines, and the list goes on. What’s special about her though is not her weaknesses but her strengths. She is an incredibly strong advocate for herself and I worked with her, not for her, in obtaining all the medical records necessary to prove the realness of  her disabilities.

Recently we had the hearing before a judge for her appeal, and after questioning her the judge determined her disabled right then and there. To my surprise, I was the one holding back tears of joy. It was her victory but I was proud to be part of it. We worked together to get the result she deserved, and I learned that sometimes justice does prevail.

-Julia Solomons
Legal Coordinator

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